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Boosting Staff Performance – Easier Than You Think?

When it comes to looking after your staff, you have a responsibility as an employer to ensure they are comfortable, working within the right legal hours, aren’t over stressed, get the necessary leave they need and so on. Sick leave can be difficult to cover as an employer, and productivity levels can decrease if your staff aren’t motivated. It can be tough to strike the right balance. So, with that in mind, you might be looking for new ways to increase staff performance level, without overworking your employees. Here are a few tips which you might consider:

Have a dress down day

Dress down days are beneficial for many reasons. Love to Know suggests that having a casual dress day at work can increase motivation as wearing your own clothes can make staff happier. It also encourages team building, as it is more likely that staff will “interact with people they wouldn’t ordinarily feel comfortable approaching. It’s easier to chat and share ideas with someone who is dressed similarly to you than with someone in more formal attire than you’re wearing.”

Bring in Healthy Treats

Why not treat your employees to some snacks in the workplace. Fruitful Office Ireland, a Dublin based company that knows all about fruit in the workplace, say that, 79% of staff in their case study said the free fruit made them feel more valued as an employee. There were many other benefits, including 81% of staff thought having fresh fruit available at their desk had “improved their quality of life at work,” 70% of staff started eating more fruit and 45% of staff were eating fewer unhealthy snacks. Fruit boosts concentration and can help maintain stamina in a busy work day.

Be understanding when staff need a little slack

Staff are more likely to respond better in the workplace if they feel valued and will naturally contribute more to an employer that they feel cares about them. So, if one of your staff comes in to work after being up all night with a screaming baby, perhaps suggest she leaves early that day to get some rest. This not only makes her feel valued (her employer cares about her and wants her to rest) but it benefits you in the short term (your staff member won’t make any mistakes at work) and long term (your staff member will remember this and may put in extra effort later on in the year when it’s needed.)

Have a team building day

Paying for your staff members to have an afternoon go-karting, at laser quest or on a business-focussed activity day can help staff loosen up, talk to other members of staff that they wouldn’t ordinarily approach and feel valued so that when they start work again the next day, they have more motivation to complete the job in hand.

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