Be Good on the Gram

Whether it is the ability to capture stunning natural scenery, travel to exotic locations, eat in cool cafes, or have great fashion sense, the popular personas on Instagram often showcase the talents and lifestyles many other people only wish for. There are actually quite a few Instagram accounts that create pangs of jealousy for their followers, which brought about the colloquial phrase, “You wish you were as cool as you seem on Instagram.”

While common sense says that even these people do not have lives entirely filled with rainbows and unending bank accounts, it can sure seem that way from time to time. Plus, the more popular an Instagram account becomes, the more possibilities there are to buy Instagram followers, build a brand, build a business, or even a better life. This notion has many other Instagram users wondering how they can create the same type of content and persona through this social media platform.

Be Artistic

You must be able to translate what you see in reality into a 2D image. To become popular on Instagram implies being visually engaging, as that is the entire premise of the platform. Often, this means having a naturally artistic eye. However, if you struggle with capturing the perfect picture, it can be a huge asset to take a photography class or sit in on a seminar. Professional photographers and other Instagram stars are a great source of information when it comes to capturing and selecting engaging images.

Be Picky

It is necessary to post frequently in order to build a brand on Instagram.  Other users are more likely to become your followers if content is updated on a regular basis. However, this does not imply that you should post anything and everything. It is essential to choose high-quality, thoughtful images when posting on Instagram. People want to be impressed by what they see on the platform and with a lot of accounts all striving to gain followers, it is necessary to be picky about your posts.

Being picky about the pictures you post is not just a reference to the quality of the images. It is also about sticking to your niche and personal interests. You want each post, and your account overall, to tell a coherent, relatable story. If your account is geared towards fashion, then the majority of your posts should obviously be about fashion. The same goes for travel accounts, political accounts, and even foodies. Even if the image in question is not directly related to your niche, make it relevant in your caption at the very least.


Be Opinionated

The most successful accounts on Instagram sell more than just images. These individuals sell an entire personality. This requires a lot of courage and a bit of wit. It also means that playing it safe and always posting to the mainstream audience is unlikely to make you stand out from the Instagram crowd. You must take some risks if you want your account to be noticed.

Be #Connected and #Responsive

Utilising the hashtag has become a huge part of Instagram. It is how the application sorts images and directs users to accounts that are similar to their own or are closely related to their interests. Many people will search Instagram by a certain hashtag and follow other accounts that they find through those searches.

Finally, interact with other users through comments and likes; become engrained in an online community. A great way to stay connected with the Instagram community is by regularly viewing and rewarding other users’ content. As the old saying goes, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Social media is a two-way street; you get out exactly what you put in.

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