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7 Clever Web Innovations That Come From Oxford

If you’ve ever tried to get a cheap train ticket and ended up paying a lot more than you wanted, you’ll be interested in this new internet development from Oxford. The app and website ticketclever.com, based in St Aldgates, is worked on by a team of 20 computer scientists and maths experts and is designed to save customers millions of pounds through using their innovative train booking site.

The mathematicians and web designers are working together to use algorithms to crack the code that prevents regular people getting the best fares for their train journeys. The website is designed to give people access to hidden fares which often work out at 60 percent cheaper than the fares people commonly find online.

But that’s not the only web and tech innovation to come from Oxford in recent years. We take a look at Oxford web developments, particularly innovations from Oxford University Innovation, in this rundown:

  1. Better Background Checks

Oxford University Innovation developed, with Onfido, a system of background checks that is trusted by multinational clients and employers around the world. The web developments behind this system help to safeguard businesses and personnel on a global level.

  1. Streamlining the Research Process

Web design Oxford experts and colwiz are working on a research platform that simplifies and streamlines academic research. This process allows academics to more easily focus on developing ideas and putting forward proposals.

  1. Building Educational Resources

Edspire is an online resource putting together selections of learning materials so that users can search a database and discover the learning solutions that best meet their needs.

  1. Developing Internet Monitoring

A new web development by TheySay helps businesses monitor what is being said about themselves and their competitors on social media. This analysis happens in real time, and helps inform social media marketing campaigns as well as offer better services to customers.

  1. Helping Manage Energy More Effectively

The start-up in Oxford called Pilio helps businesses learn how to save energy and minimise their energy wastage, which not only benefits their bottom line but helps safeguard the environment for future generations.

  1. Developing Software for Health

An Oxford tech company called Brainomix is developing software that helps medics identify and evaluate how severe a stroke is, and helps identify the most appropriate treatments for stroke in individual cases, thus saving lives and preventing injury.

  1. Building Better Exercise Platforms

The bounts app is developed for users to collect reward points when they exercise, which can be used towards experiences. The bounts app is designed to encourage people of all ages to exercise and get active.

Web design Oxford


Image: Image courtesy of Idea go/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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